I have to admit something here. I'm a bad mother. I hate throwing birthday parties! All the mess and stress, and after it's over where do you put all those gifts?? Well, this year when Benjamin's birthday came around, a private school in town was having a fall festival PLUS cousins were in town - instant party and no work for me! Yep, I'm a bad mom. Ben has never had a "real" party.
But he did get to "milk a cow" - which ended up being his favorite activity....
(Notice the water guns...the boys had water gun fights, just no pictures for that)
blow out candles...
(Sarah even came in for it, but somehow didn't end up in the pictures.)
and open a few gifts.
Happy Birthday, Benjamin! I love you more than you can ever say!
Maybe next year he'll have a "real" party and get to invite all those girls
he wanted to invite this year.
(Sarah even came in for it, but somehow didn't end up in the pictures.)
Maybe next year he'll have a "real" party and get to invite all those girls
he wanted to invite this year.