Wednesday, August 16, 2017


There are a lot of skewed perceptions in the story of Job. At the beginning of the story Satan accused God of having a hedge of protection around Job and in chapter 3 we hear Job's perception of that hedge: 

"Why is life given to a man whose path is hidden, whom God has hedged in?"  

God's protection felt like a trap to Job.  He felt fenced in when in reality God was keeping Satan out!

Then there are Job's friends who assume that Job is being punished for sin even though God had just told Satan that he was blameless and upright. I think why they assume that is summed up in 5:27 when Eliphaz says "this is what we have searched out; it is true".  They were so busy gossiping, trying to prove their knowledge and "searching it out" they didn't stop to think that they didn't know the whole story.  Their skewed perception caused pain and led Job to doubt his innocence.  Therefore, in chapter 7 Job is lamenting. 

His physical pain was both drawn-out and agonizing but his greatest struggle was within.  He was having a spiritual crisis and had to deal with the fact God wasn't acting the way that Job always thought God would and should act. God wasn't meeting his expectations.  In Job 7:20 he says,

 "If I have sinned, what have I done to You, Watcher and Keeper of mankind?  Why have You made me Your targetso that I have become a burden to You?"

 He had no knowledge of what was going on in the spiritual realm and thought that God rather than Satan was his tormentor.  He couldn't see the whole picture and therefore thought he was a target for God's wrath and punishment.  In reality, God was watching with silent compassion and Fatherly pride.  God was setting him up for honor and blessing!  

How often is my view distorted?  It is dangerous to think I see the whole picture. I never want to assume I know all of someone else's story and cause them pain.  I want to choose to trust God and act in faith even when it feels like God isn't meeting my expectations! He is, after all, much bigger than I can imagine and can do so much more than I expect. 

Father, today I want to ask that you keep me from skewed perceptions and help me to trust You in the big and small details of life.  Remind me that often you are working behind the scenes in ways that I can't see. Thank you for fencing me in and for being a Watcher and Keeper of mankind, seeing and knowing all!    

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